TOPS Chapter 319 El Dorado Springs (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) met in the Church Of Christ meeting room on Thursday, Aug. 25.

Susan had the program today. She spoke on Zapping Stress. Her program was taken from the TOPS program book. Stress is a large factor in all our lives. Stress can cause a lot of medical problems such as high blood pressure and high cholesterol to name a few. We cannot get rid of stress but we can change how we react to a stressful situation. Try to pre plan if you will be facing a stressful event such as a wedding,

Stress can lead to over eating, skipping exercise and will keep you from reaching out to others. Little stressors such as worrying if you call someone will they want to talk? Are they busy? You can email them or go ahead and call, the worse that can happen is they will say it is not a good time and call you back.

This is especially true of the people who stay up late. The temptation to eat is huge in the late hours. Find someone else who is a night owl and put them on your phone list.

Exercise helps with stress. Just find ways to keep your body moving.

Take a deep breath.

Practice good eating habits.

Have your own private pity party then go on with your life.

Do not think you must please everyone. Do not think you must never make a mistake in public. Do not think people should not try to get you to do things you do not want to do, just say no.

You must decide for yourself what is important and set your own perimeters.

It is alright to try something new and OK if it is not perfect the first time.

It is only human to get angry but try not to let it get out of proportion.

You need to accept others and their ways like you would like them to accept you and your ways.

Your friends and family cannot read your mind.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help.

Our leader, Robbie, opened the meeting. Carol led us in singing “I Love My TOPS Club”.

Twenty four members weighed in today. Angie was our week’s best loser with a loss of 6 lbs.

Robbie said this is the last weigh in for the summer contest for Fall Rally. Fall Rally will be held in Clinton on Oct. 22. She has registration forms that must be completed by each member going to Fall Rally. The cost to register is $15 per person and this includes a lunch. You must turn in your completed registration forms along with your payment of $15 and your summer contest sheets no later than Sept. 15 meeting. KOPS must also attach a copy of their weight sheet. Theme is racing so wear your racing gear. If the chapter is doing a fundraising basket we must let Sylvia know.

Robbie read Sylvia’s newsletter. “Winner Wonderland” will be the theme of 2017 SRD which will be held at the Ramada Inn on April 21 and 22, 2017.

Sylvia is looking for area captains in our area. Please contact her if you are interested.

Warren explained the new contest. “Fantasy loss”. It is like fantasy football. You pick your “team you think will do well”. TOPS each select 1 KOPS and 2 TOPS and yourself. Select the people you think will do well over a four-week period. This will be private and only Warren will know who you selected.

KOPS will select themselves and 3 TOPS.

Scores according to loss or if a gain it goes opposite way. No points if absent or excused.

Fee to join $1.

This will start next week so be thinking who you want to pick for your team.

You will go with those for the first four weeks then switch to another team for four weeks.

Marilyn won the right to draw for the marble but did not get the green one.

This is the last week for the collection for the Sr. Center. We will present the money to the Senior Center at the next meeting.

We welcome anyone who is interested in losing weight.

For more information, call Robbie Chase at 417-876-0233, Juda at 876-4888, TOPS toll free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at Come and join us.