TOPS Chapter 9319 El Dorado Springs met in the United Methodist Church, 201 E Broadway on Thursday June 20, 2019 for their weekly weigh in, and meeting.

Leader Sheryl Ann called our meeting to order and Kay led us in singing “It’s In Our Hands.” We said our TOPS & KOPS pledges.

Marilyn led us in some exercises.

Sheryl led us in roll call & walking report. Twenty-seven weighed in today and the chapter had a net loss of 11.6 lbs. Best loser was Sandi with a loss of 8.2 lbs.  Congratulations Sandi!

Marble game:  Cheryl won the right to draw for a marble but did not get the winning one. Pot was at $40 this week.

Robbie reported on TOPS contest, Marie and Juanita got to draw from the prize box.

Susan and Melissa reported on the TOPS Summer contest. Susan thanked everyone for coming to them to report food journal and weight. If you DO NOT participate in the food tasting please report to them, otherwise it will be assumed everyone “tasted” the sample.

Sheryl Ann had the program today. It started with a skit. We are like a box of crayons it takes each color.  Your chapter needs everyone to participate. Sheryl Ann has served two years as leader; a new leader must be elected. Remember, if you do not have access to internet but would still like to be leader you can do it.  An inter-net designate will be assigned for emails to go to. Not only “Officer” jobs need filling but other smaller jobs need volunteers to keep the chapter running smoothly.

Laura Hicks brought the “tasting food” today. Ten spice chicken wings, they were so good. She brought extra spice mix for those who wanted to take home and use.

Carol will bring the tasting sample next week.

With no other business meeting was adjourned with our motto “IF IT IS TO BE IT IS UP TO ME”.

TOPS #MO 9319 meets each Thursday Morning in the Methodist Church at 201 E Broadway, El Dorado Springs. Weigh-in starts at 7:45 a.m. the meeting begins at 8:45 a.m.. and is over by 10 a.m.

Are you ready to stop dieting and start making real changes? TOPS can help you reach your weight-loss goals by providing you with the tools, information, support, and accountability you need to be successful. After all, this has been a winning formula for TOPS members just like you for 70 years. We welcome women and men of all ages and couples are encouraged to join. We currently have two couples in our group who have found it fun and encouraging. We encourage healthy eating and offer support through our chapter and the National Chapter of TOPS. We have a lot of fun in our weight loss journey and make lifelong friendships. First visit is free with no obligation.

For more information, call Sheryl Walker at 417 876 5699, Linda Hall at 417 876 6467, TOPS toll-free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at

Come and join us.