Tops Mo 1325 was called to order by Becky at 6 p.m. We had five members attending, three Tops and two Kops. We went over “My Story.”

Felicia was the best loser and has the program next week. She is going to give her program out of the “Real Life hand Free Hand Off” guide.

We are working on our goal stick to really keep us motivated. When a TOPS, Take Off Pounds Sensibly, member gets to 20 points from their goal weight, they get a clothes pin with their name on it which goes on a yard stick on the number 20. As they lose they get to move their pin up.

When they get to the top they’ve reached their goal and become a KOPS, Keep Off Pounds Sensibly, when a person reaches their KOPS status they will get to graduate and go across the stage at SRD, State Recognition Day. That is a motivation and a great honor.

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