Tri-County Quilt Club met Monday March 6, at the Rockville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall for their regular meeting with 18 ladies present. President Madeline Woolfin called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. Secretary and treasurer reports were approved. We donated $50 to the Ozark Food Harvest.
Show and tell was by Evonne Andersen, Mary McLeod, Marcella Marquardt, Madline Woodfin and Marge Zink.
The program was by Jenna Breckenridge from Fig Tree Greenhouse of Rich Hill, “How to start Plants” from old plants. Jenna made it look easy, you could have lots more plants at no cost.
Birthday treats were Brenda Burkholder and Nancy Philpot.
We invite you to join us April 3, at the Rockville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall for the next meeting of the Tri-County Quilt Club.
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