Submitted by Lana Sue Jones
The Twentieth Century meeting scheduled for January was canceled due to weather conditions. Our February meeting on the 13th was held in the home of our hostess Janet Connor with Ruth Woody serving as co-hostess.
The meeting was called to order by president Glenda Ware. Minutes were read and treasurer report given. There was no old or new business.
The opinion was given by Sandi Eaves on keeping journals. This is a way to help keep ideas, memories and feelings to look back on in the future. There was no entertainment.
The program was given by Janet Connor on children’s building blocks. The earliest known blocks were crafted in the 17th century as teaching aids in schools, but their simplicity and adaptability made them popular toys. The blocks have been used as educational and creative benefits up through the centuries to present day. These simple yet versatile toys have been cherished by generations of children. Janet showed some examples of blocks that she had herself.
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