by Lana Sue Jones

Our Jan. 14 meeting was hosted  by Jean Wernel, co-hosted by Ruth Woody with 12 members present.

All of our donations this year from our club were reviewed. The committees gave their reports. The new business was a discussion on some ideas for our May trip. We will also need to be thinking of topics for our upcoming year to suggest for the yearbook.

The opinion was “How About Those Chiefs”? by Evelyn Boyles. She reported on how well they are doing this year. This brought up the fact that football has had the first female referee.

Sandi Eaves provided the entertainment which was a pop quiz. She would give the group the title of a book and we had to give the author’s name. She told us the top ten titles of books voted on by PBS viewers and the first place book was “To Kill A Mockingbird.”

Our program was a book review  by Pauline Simone entitled “Losing My Virginity” written  by Richard  Branson who is one of the great business geniuses of our time. The book is an auto biography published in 1998 about a British businessman telling of his personal and business adventures in today’s world. Several of his company names would have the word Virgin in the title. His colorful stories are included in the book.