Submitted by Lana Sue Jones

The meeting on Aug. 9 was our brunch to start the year. Hostess was Kay Sewell with the following co-hostesses, Evelyn Boyle, Sharyl Henry, Doris Norval, Luella Phipps, Jean Wernel and Ruth Woody. We enjoyed the delicious food and visiting . Our meeting on Sept. 13 was hosted by Sharyl Henry and co-hosted by Sue Jones.

The committees that reported was the membership and entertainment. A possible new member was suggested for membership. The entertainment committee will start deciding on a program for December. New business was a letter from a member requesting to be changed to an associate member. A thank you note was received from the Chamber of Commerce for the donation in memory of Bob Baker. No unfinished business.

The opinion was given by Evelyn Boyle. Her topic was Books and Computers. Books are not being used as much by students. Instead, the computer is taking the place of books. Libraries will still be available in case technology is gone. In today’s world many children do not have access to computers. The program was presented by Glenda Baker. Due to a technical difficulty, she gave an impromptu program on favorite types of music. The members were asked their preference and a variety of music was mentioned. That brought back fond memories of music from our past. The meeting was adjourned to enjoy refreshments.