by Lana Jones
On Oct. 10, 12 members of the Twentieth Century Club met in the home of Jean Wernel with Glenda Ware serving as co-hostess.
President Sandi Eaves called the meeting to order followed by the reading of the minutes of our last meeting and the treasurer’s report which were accepted. Reports from the various committees were given.
The opinion was presents by Sharyl Henry. She gave information on Amendment 3 and Proposition A and how it will affect the early childhood education of our children. People need to make sure they are aware of the information found in these two proposals to be voted on.
The entertainment by Lana Sue was a sheet of words to unscramble pertaining to Columbus to celebrate the Columbus Day holiday.
Jean Wernel provided the program, everything you wanted to know about wool. The history of wool goes back before 10,000 BC when wool cloth was spun by tribes in Northern Europe. No man made material has its quality. Wool is a global industry in the United Kingdom, Australia, Argentina, United States and New Zealand. The United States is the leading consumer and Australia the leading supplier. Felt is a product of wool and the first ever wool fabric. Jean showed her beautiful art pieces that she made using the wool hooking technique which she demonstrated to the group.
The members adjourned to enjoy delicious refreshments.
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