Submitted by Lana Sue Jones

The Twentieth Century Club met on August 14th 2023 at the home of Kay Sewell, our hostess, with the following members serving as co-hostesses: Evelyn Boyle, Sheryl Henry, Luella Pipps, Jean Wernel. Sherry Wiseman, and Ruth Woody. Our meeting was a delicious brunch along with visiting. Yearbooks were given out and member information verified.             

Our regular meeting was on Sept. 11, and was held at the home of Sheryl Henry, hostess. Co-hostess was Sue Jones. President Glenda Ware called the meeting to order. The minutes were approved and treasurer report given. There was no old or new business. The opinion was given by Dorothy Foster on the frustration of dealing with call centers. You go through a menu and do not get to speak with a person and many are overseas and are difficult to understand.

Evelyn Boyle presented the program on the toy, Mr. Potato Head. It was rated 10 on a 1-10 top toy scale. In 1940 George Lerner used pieces of vegetables to make faces on potatoes as entertainment. Later plastic pieces were made to put on potatoes and were sold as a Mr. Potato Head toy. In 1950 the first plastic Mr. Potato Head was introduced and all the pieces fit inside the plastic potato. Then came the family members, Mrs. Potato Head and the children. In 1955 over 100 million Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head and children were sold. This toy provided creativity for children and they could build a personality of what was happening in their lives. Children were bringing potatoes to life and having fun doing it.