The Cedar County Sheriff office has received two used patrol cars that were gifted free from Greene County and Jackson County.
Green County Sheriff Jim Arnott said, “We are often responsible for helping citizens in a variety of ways from contacting a victim of a crime to providing medical care at a motor vehicle accident scene, to searching for a lost child to attending neighborhood watch meetings. In this particular case, the Greene County Sheriff’s office as able to help the Cedar County Sheriff’s office fulfill a need, essential to perform their duties.”
Greene County Sheriff Jim Arnott handed the keys to Cedar County Sheriff Leon Dwerlkotte of a Silver 2007 Dodge Charger, with all the equipment of Light Bar, Siren, Switches, all it needed was a radio, instead of slating a still functional vehicle to auction. The car was gifted to the Cedar County Sheriff’s office, in times of economic hardship, large purchases such as newer vehicles may sometimes proved difficult for smaller Law Enforcement agencies”.
Jackson County Sheriff Mike Sharp handed the keys over to Sheriff Leon Dwerlkotte of a black 2009 Ford Crown Victoria with all the equipment of a Light Bar, siren, switch box and prisoner cage. This patrol car was gifted to the Cedar County Sheriff’s office, which was getting ready to be sent to the car auction in Kansas City.
Sheriff Leon Dwerlkotte and the deputies of the Cedar County Sheriff’s office respect and appreciate the gifting of the patrol cars in a time the Sheriff’s budget isn’t enough to go to fleet management or to purchase or new or used vehicles.
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