By Sam Priesendorf
The Union Hall 4-H Club met on Nov. 14, in the Land O Lakes Fair Building. The meeting was called to order by Vice President Reese Schiereck.
The Recognition Banquet Report and the Fair Board Report were given. Several members attended the banquet and performed a funny skit. All 4-H members should be finishing up on enrolling for projects for the upcoming year. The club is in the process of designing new T-shirts for members.
Several members of the club enjoyed working together on making a Christmas float for the El Dorado Springs Christmas parade. “A Charlie Brown Christmas” was the theme for their float. Members also ate pizza and had fun riding on their float in the parade.
The Union Hall 4-H Club plans to sing Christmas carols at the nursing home at 5 p.m. on Dec. 12. It will be followed by a holiday dinner at the LOL Fair building. Each member will bring food to share. The club plans to “Adopt a Family for Christmas” as well as ring bells for the Salvation Army.
The next regularly scheduled meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 9in the Land O Lakes Fair Building. New members are welcome to attend.
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