by Sydney Barger


The Union Hall 4-H Club met Oct. 11, at the Land-O-Lakes Fairgrounds.  Our meeting began with pledges and then installation of 2017-2018 officers: President Avery Schiereck, Vice President Cameron Parrish, Secretary Macy Stauffer, Treasurer Reese Schiereck, Reporter/Photographer Sydney Barger, Game Leader  Kale Boultinghouse, Song Leader Clara Farren, Sergeant of Arms Marshall Stauffer.

Reports were given on 4-H Week events. We decorated a window at Jackson’s with 4-H projects and awards. 4-H Sunday the club attended Union Hall Church. We received an invitation from the church to join them at 6 p.m. Oct. 21, for their cookout and hayride. The Fair Board report was given and an announcement of Community Service opportunity with Cedar County Farm Bureau on Nov. 14.

We voted to have a Christmas float in the Christmas Parade on Nov. 18.  The theme is “Thankful for the Holidays” and our committee chairs are Macy Stauffer and Reese Schiereck.

Our next meeting will begin at 6:30 p.m. Nov. 8. We will meet at the Land-O-Lakes Fairgrounds for our Thanksgiving Dinner.