VETERANS GO TO BRANSON – On each Nov. 11, Veteran’s Day, you find thousands of people gathered to show respect and thanks to veterans from all wars. Branson rolls out the carpet for vets. Hundreds of vets join in the parade and help fill the sidewalks along the parade route, of which it is said it is one of the best in the country.
Two vets from this area have gone to Branson before and went again this year to be in the parade. Charles Foreman, a Korean vet, found a 1953 Jeep and trailer like he drove in Korea-M38-A1. He restored them to make parades and car shows. This year, with a new motor, clutch kit, carburetor job, transfer case working and seals—she went to Branson again.
Gary Vickers, a long-time friend and Vietnam Vet went with Charles, along with two 1st Cav sculptures which Gary’s son, Jason, had built of steel. Gary got to drive this year and that was frosting on the cake for him.
Thousands of people lined the sidewalks, waving flags, clapping and saying “Thanks” as the parade goes by. Vets from Korea and Vietnam stepped out to shake hands, salute or call out the years they served as we went by. Both Charles and I weren’t sure we could wave for another block, but we made it. It was quite an experience.
We got moved up in the Branson parade as we were planning to make the Veteran’s Day Parade in Nevada at 4 p.m. We had to hurry, but we made it – barely. When we got to Nevada, a group of VVA guys met us and helped get the jeep off the trailer and put flags back on and away we went. We pulled into our spot in the parade and never stopped rolling – perfect timing.
The Jeep ran like a sewing machine and made a great, but long day for Charles and me. We both had such a good time we soon forgot how much work it was. It was well worth the effort and a very pride-filled day for these two vets.
Thanks for all the patronage and looking forward to next year. Gary Vickers
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