Empire District-Liberty Utilities Central Donates $1.5 Million to Three Community Action Agencies.
West Central Missouri Community Action Agency (West Central) was one of three recipients of a $500,000 donation from Empire District-Liberty Utilities Central on Wednesday, Feb. 15. In total, the recently merged utilities company donated $1.5 million dollars to better enable the utilization of weatherization dollars through community action.
In a formal check presentation at the Economic Security Corporation office in Joplin, three checks were presented by David Swain president of Empire District-Liberty Utilities Central. Those checks, in the amount of $500,000 each, were presented to the Executive Directors of: Economic Security Corporation (ESC), Ozarks Area Community Action Corporation (OACAC) and West Central Missouri Community Action Agency (West Central).
According to a recent press release, Mr. Swain said, “ESC, OACAC and West Central provide valuable weatherization services. Our partnership with these agencies has resulted in over $2 million in energy savings for customers since 2005. We’re proud to continue that commitment as a Liberty Utilities Company and we’re pleased to ensure even more customers will benefit from the comfort and savings of an energy efficient home as a result of the donation.”
Chris Thompson, president and CEO of West Central, said of the donation, “Words cannot adequately express our appreciation for this very generous contribution to weatherization efforts in the West Central region. There is tremendous need in our region for weatherization services, and this donation ensures the necessary expansion and enhancement of these services.”
Based in Joplin. The Empire District Electric Company is a subsidiary of Liberty Utilities Co. and headquarters for the Liberty Utilities Central Region, providing electric, natural gas, water and wastewater service to nearly 340,000 customers across seven states.
West Central Missouri Community Action Agency is dedicated to empowering people to make a positive change by coordinating and administering resources. West Central’s service region includes the counties of Cedar, Vernon, Hickory, St. Clair, Bates, Henry, Benton, Morgan and Cass. West Central Missouri Community Action Agency strives to be the voice in our communities and our governments for those most in need.
Assistance units within the organization include the following: Community Services, Employment and Training, Energy Conservation, Health Services, Housing and Early Childhood Education (Head Start).
Pictured from left: Chris Richardson-McQueen, West Central’s Energy Conservation Director and Chris Thompson, West Central’s President and CEO).
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