TOPS Chapter 9319 El Dorado Springs met in The Preferred Family Healthcare building, 700 E. Hospital Rd, El Dorado Springs on Thursday, Oct. 26, for their regular weigh-in and meeting.
Warren, our leader, called the meeting to order.
Carol led us in singing “Trick or Treating.”
We said our TOPS & KOPS Pledges
Warren led us in roll call; 20 members weighed in. The chapter had a Gain of 13.4 lbs. and a loss of 3.6 with a net Gain of 9.8 lbs.
Best Loser for the week was Linda C with a loss of 1.4 lbs. Congratulations Linda C!
Warren led us in a series of “Joyful Movement” also known as exercise.
Jean had the program today; she spoke on how your mindset matters when it comes to weight loss. Weight loss starts in the mind. Thoughts, What you tell yourself = Feelings is how it will make you feel= Actions what you feel drives your actions= Results, Actions determine results.
Losing weight starts in your brain. There are many mind shift actions you can consider. Redirect your focus; instead of focusing on physical appearance think about how losing weight can help you be able to play with your grandkids. Take it slow: fad diets and trends promote rapid weight loss; however, these are not good for your overall health. Sleep is a priority. It is tempting to stay up late and binge-watch TV but that tends to binge eating as well. Say NO to Diets: moderation in all things. Practice “Joyful Movement” Find something you enjoy doing such as walking the dog, playing pickleball, swimming, or just walking with a friend. It is much easier to stick to than making yourself walk the treadmill every day. Remember to get your mind set to wanting a healthy lifestyle and it will be easier to make it happen.
MARBLE GAME: there is $33.50 in the pot. Linda C won the right to draw but did not get the winning one.
CONTEST: remember the pounds you lose helps contribute to the Hope Center.
With no other business meeting was adjourned with our motto
It’s weight loss, done right.
For 75 years, TOPS Club has helped people take off, and keep off, the weight. We are all about doing things by the book – we have strong ties to the medical community, and believe in healthy living from the inside, out. It is a holistic approach to wellness. No fad diets. No gimmicks. No shortcuts. With us, it all comes down to accountability, unwavering support, and top-tier resources.
Are you …
· Ready for a healthier lifestyle?
· Feeling ignored by your current program?
· Not getting the support that you need?
· Open to the idea of committing to yourself?
· Craving a stronger network of people who have similar goals as you?
If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, TOPS is ready for you. We were the first weight loss organization of this kind when we opened our “doors” in 1948. And we intend to stick around the longest. If you commit to us, we’ll commit to you.
For more information, call Linda Hall at 417 876 7404, TOPS toll-free number 1 800-932-8677 or you can find us on the web at
Come and join us.
TOPS #MO 9319 meets each Thursday Morning in the “Preferred Family Healthcare building at 700 E. Hospital Rd, El Dorado Springs. Weigh-in starts at 7:45 a.m. the meeting begins at 8:45 a.m. and is over by 10 a.m.
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