by Julia Snethen & Marge Zink
Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church by Leland Browning was titled “Are we really Thankful” from Exodus 16:2-19 old testament reading Romans 14: 1-12. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. and Bible study Tuesday morning 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion area is thankful for the several inches of rain we recieved this past week, some areas got lots of wind. Miracles do happen; the road off B coming northeast into Rockville got fixed.
Prayers and sympathy to the family of Elendor Masten who passed away this past week.
Florence French is still enjoying visiting at the nursing home.
Wanda Rector was visiting her daughters in Bolivar and Springfield. Sure, they had plains with cooler weather. Wanda got her second wind.
Welcome to the baby girl, the first grandchild at the Creig and Debbie Seigismund family. Seems for the past few years all the babies have been boys in the neighborhood.
Mt. Zion Club met Sept. 20, at the Appleton City Manor with Kathleen Dryer as hostess. A delicious meal was served by the manor. Marge Osburn, Donna Harris, Ginger Barns, Marge Zink and Mary Woods went to Kathleen’s room for the meeting. Next meeting will be Oct. 18, with lunch at noon and auction at Marge Zink’s home. Rag Quilt drawing was won by Mary Woods.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Belle is taking credit for the generous amount of rain the area received. She really made all the dogs do the rain dance. Robin has been busy crocheting winter hats. Mabel got all the apples worked up. The little people have been to visit.
John and Julia Snethen had a busy week with John keeping his bus route going. Julia was down in Texas babysitting with Theo while his mother attends classes. They returned home on Friday night with Shella and Theo going home to Knob Noster.
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