by Julia Snethen and Marge Zink
Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church was by David Hill. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday 9 a.m. Sunday school 10 a.m. Tuesday Bible Study 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion area has been enjoying the nice weather getting ready for winter. Soybeans are still being harvested, cows are being worked. the leaves are gone and being replaced by deer hunters. Hard to believe how many deer are harvested in our area and state. Sure noticed how little daylight we are having. They are busy running broadband wires in our area and getting ready to hook people up; hope it is not too long before we get it.
Judy Pier is doing good after her recent surgery, she can’t go to exercise class for six weeks.
Judy Piepmier made an emergency trip to the doctor; they sent her home and she is able to smile again.
Wanda Rector enjoyed several days visiting in Branson with family enjoying the lights, I am sure she has plans with family for Thanksgiving.
Mark your Calendar to remember that Florance French will celebrate her 100th birthday on Dec. 31. Send cards to the Appleton City Manor, 600 N. Ohio St., Appleton City, MO 64724. I wonder how many children she taught in her teaching career?
Marge Zink and Julia Snethen would like to wish Happy Holidays to you as they are taking the rest of the year off.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Belle is working on her problem on how to get extra treats for the dogs to do the snow dance so she can make snow angels for Christmas. Speck, Petey and Mutt are holding out for more treats. Robin doesn’t understand why Belle is wanting more treats, Robin told Belle you can earn treats. Belle knows if she tells Robin the reason, the answer will be no because Robin doesn’t like cold weather. Belle has sent a message to Mother Nature and Santa Clause is saying what she wants for Christmas is an early snow.
John and Julia Snethen have been busy running the bus route, keeping Doctors appointments, going to the beauty shop, and shopping getting ready for the holidays.
Marge Zink and Julia Snethen would like to wish our readers a Happy Holidays now as they are taking the rest of the year off.
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