By Dora Jean McKinley
Marilyn Entrikin didn’t make it to church Sunday. Her blood pressure bottomed out. She was so dizzy she couldn’t stand up. She slept all day and all night. She got up feeling better. Steve Entrikin, Marilyn’s son, left for two week to Arkansas with the National Guard. He has been in 35 years.
Marilyn went to Nancy Coffee’s visitation. She saw Lynette, Jim Coffee, Rita Jacks, Linda Luther and Kristi. Kitty Wychott told her Rodger is recovering from his hip replacement. It hasn’t slowed him down.
Marilyn went to the Vernon County Relief benefit last week with son, Jim, and wife, Marilyn. Three-hundred fifty tickets had been sold for the dinner. I think they all were there. Big crowd. Of the items donated for the auction, Terri Logan’s coconut pies were the most popular. The two items brought in several hundred dollars. A lot of people wanted Rita Jack’s peach cobbler.
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