by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen
The morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church by Pastor David Hall was titled “A family in Christ” from Mathew 16:16-20 Old Testament reading from Isaiah 51:1-6. You are always welcome to join us for worship each Sunday at 9 a.m. Tuesday Bible study 9 a.m.
The Mt. Zion area was thankful for the rain on Friday afternoon, a little over an inch; don’t think it was widespread.
Wanda Rector returned home from Springfield to rest up for the next big planned family outing.
Florence French decided to spend a few more days at the nursing home before she goes home.
Marge Zink enjoyed visiting the Lowery City ladies at the beauty shop recently.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Belle thinks it has been hot to think much; but is planning another doggy rain dance. Robin has been busy helping, and Mabel is canning. Everyone is happy the guineas are growing. Some of the little people are in school.
Mt. Zion Club met Aug. 23, in the home of Marge Zink home to celebrate the clubs 100th birthday and Roberta Dines’ 97th birthday. Ten ladies enjoyed dinner, visiting and playing bingo. Roberta’s mother was a member and Marge’s mother-in-law was a member of those present, Dana Davis won the club gift. Next meeting Sept. 20.
John and Julia Snethen have had a busy week with Julia going to Knob Noster on Tuesday then on to Warrensburg and John running his bus route. They took son, Ron, to Joplin on Friday, and he bought another motorcycle.
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