by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen

Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church Sunday morning service was by Pastor Larry Sorrells. You are welcome at the Rockville United Methodist Church Sunday worship 9 a.m. please join us.

Mt. Zion Home Bible study was held in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home Tuesday evening at 7 pm to study the Bible with 11 in attendance.

The Mt. Zion area spring weather didn’t last long Saturday we woke up to snow; we had about two to four inches in our area.

Our sympathy to the Clara Belle Oberly family funeral services were held Jan. 10.

Happy Birthday to John F Snethen on Jan.12, and Howard Peterson on Jan. 15.

The Rockville Hand Quilters had an all-day quilting Thursday; they enjoyed a delicious carry-in lunch and are making progress on our quilts, glad to have visitors.

Over at the Robin Siegismund farm you think the chicken fever would have gotten better with the snow; but according to Belle Robin is spending more time on the computer dreaming, Belle thinks the snow is one big popsicle  only it’s not hot enough to really taste as good as summer.

Recent visitor in the Howard and Dixie Peterson home have been Kent Crawford.

The wood fairies that come to the Pelkey’s home last week were wood angles. The wood box was real low; the wood pile was smaller than Tom liked and Tom hurt his back. The wood fairies filled the added the wood pile; we are truly blessed with wonderful neighbors in Mt. Zion area.

John and Julia Snethen had a quite week at home with John running his bus route. Julia did speak with son Ron and granddaughter Shella; Shella got her machine fixed and Ron worked over the weekend. Michael Snethen called and talked to his dad on Sunday.