by Julia Snethen and Marge Zink
Sunday morning worship service at the Rockville United Methodist Church was conducted by the youth. You are welcome to join to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. Bible study Tuesday 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion area has had rain storms this past week plus three days of sunshine, but still looks like spring. The redbud and dogwood are blooming, the timber is leafing out, my bluebirds has built her nest, can’t find the wren nest, the red bird built her nest in the lilac bush. Wheat fields have grown several inches this past week, lawns need mowing.
Happy birthday to Wanda Rector, she likes to think she came in a May basket all these years.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Belle is disgusted with brother, Petey. He is acting like a big shot thinking more useful than her just because he gets to ride in the truck, come to church, go to the sale barn, getting to ride down Hwy. 13 seeing the cars wiz by like at a race track. Robin told Belle “not to be so petty’ keep on knitting the blankets for the little people. Mabel planted some gardens with Belle help; grandmas are great.
Wanda Rector was a proud great-grandmother when she attended the piano recital where five of her grandchildren played in the recital.
Dixie Peterson is still doing therapy at Truman Lake Manor Howard visited several time a week.
Several ladies from the area made up the group that visited Powell Gardens with the Baptist Church Widow’s trip all enjoyed a very good outing.
A large crowd attended the auction of Tom and Beverly Pelkey Saturday. They are moving to the Springfield area.
Brenda Peterson visited Howard and Dixie Peterson, Mike and Stacy Griffith and Marge Zink over the weekend.
Archie and Judy Pier visited Marge Zink Saturday.
Julia Snethen and son, Ron, attended the Pelkey Sale, where Julia was very pleased over her finds. Friday Julia kept her hair appointment and did some shopping in Osceola.