by Julia Snethen & Marge Zink
Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church was conducted by Pastor Linda Wansing entitled “Love like Jesus” taken Luke 22:7-20. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. and Bible study Tuesday morning 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion area was thankful for our half inch of rain on Friday and Saturday, we were expecting more. Lots of harvesting got finished wheat fields are green and a lot of fall calves.
Sympathy and prayers to the family of Cecil Carroll, funeral services were Friday interment at Kidd’s Chapel cemetery. Cecil will be greatly missed, especially on Facebook.
Judy Piepmeier finally got her test results back telling her it wasn’t what they thought, but that it was wasn’t good either. Nevertheless, she is doing okay. Terry and Judy enjoyed seeing all the little spooks out at Halloween.
Wanda Rector has out mowing leaves while planning a trip for the holiday.
Howard and Brenda Peterson visited in the Stacy and Mike Griffith and Marge Zink home Sunday evening enjoying supper with them.
Dixie Peterson still doing good at the Truman Lake Manor doing her therapy in Lowry City.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, not much going on. Belle enjoyed seeing all the little people and Belle is glad for the time change, like getting up when it is lighter. Chickens are not laying up to par yet; but have escaped the cook pot. Robin is back to knitting, the crochet rug not very big yet.
John and Julia Snethen had a nice week with Julia going up to Knob Noster and spending time with Shella, Theo and David. Julia returned home on Thursday so she could keep her hair appointment on Friday. Ron Thompson spent the weekend at the farm and went back to Clinton Sunday evening after dinner.
Mt. Zion Club is cancelled for November.
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