by Hellen Ellerman

Bob and Cheryl Ellerman, of Edwards, spent Tuesday night, April 4, and Wednesday, April 5, in the home of Jewell and Helen Ellerman. They all had breakfast at Shay’s Restaurant at El Dorado Springs Wednesday morning, April 5. A friend, Rosie Taylor, went with them.

Jewell and Helen Ellerman went on the Oats bus from Cedar and Vernon Counties to Jefferson City to the Capital Tuesday, April 4, to visit with their State Representative. Cedar County State Representative Warren Love was unable to visit with them as he had another meeting in Vernon County. It was Oats day at the State Capitol. There were about 22 people that went. It was the first time that my mom, Jewell, and I had been to the State Capitol and mom is 90. It was very interesting to see a lot of old things in the museum. They ate at Culver’s at Jefferson City and stopped on the way home at Culver’s on the way home to get something to drink or ice cream.

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