Connie Locke visited her father, Ben Locke, at Nevada this past week.
The Reedy family, who grew up in the Harwood area, will have a family reunion at the Stockton Nursing Home on Saturday, June 11, at noon. Betty Reedy Pearcy is a resident there. There are two other family members of the Reedy children still living, Grace Reedy Smith and Jewell Reedy Ellerman. Roy Hart, of Paul, ID, who was married to the late Sarah Reed, and two of her girls will be there.
There will be a going away dinner for Connie Locke, pastor of the Schell City United Methodist Church, on Sunday, June 12, at the Schell City Community building. It will start between 12:30 and 12:45 p.m. The meat and drinks will be furnished with everyone bringing a dish. Everyone is invited to attend and wish Connie well at her new church at Marionville United Methodist Church. Sunday, June 19 will be her last Sunday and the Schell Church will close their doors at this time.
Church service was held at the Harwood Baptist Church Sunday morning, June 5, with Brother Jon Caudle Jr. Could not get a hold of him to get his sermon.
Church service was held at the Schell City United Methodist Church Sunday, June 5. Paula Gray was the guest speaker as Pastor Connie Locke was at the Missouri Annual Conference. Her sermon was taken from James 1. It was about the different road signs. Sunday School was held before church. Jeanie O’Brien led the lesson, ”The Day of The lord” taken from Zephaniah 1:4-6, 14-16 and 2:3.
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