by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen

Mt. Zion Home Bible study meets to study the Bible in the home of Tom and Beverly Pelkey each Tuesday at 7 p.m., all are welcome.

The Mt. Zion Club met in the Marge Zink home Sept. 20, 10 ladies spent time tacking lap robes. Roll Call was your favorite fall leaf A wedding pantry shower was held for a member, delicious refreshments were enjoyed then we enjoyed bingo. We will meet Oct 18 at Marge’s Pumpkin Patch for an afternoon meeting.

We had some nice weather in the Mt. Zion area. The corn is being harvested; soybeans will be next; some beans are still green; wheat is being planned. Fall gardens are looking nice.

Recent visitors in the Howard and Dixie Peterson home have been Kent Crawford and Beth. Lee and Denice all enjoyed supper at the deer camp.

Over at the Robin Siegismund home Belle has been busy working keeping Blind Betty’s calf nose out of the fences, she will not go in the pasture. Speck (Mabel’s dog) spent the night with Belle, we assume they were playing early waiting for Robin to fix breakfast for them.

Pam Schlesner from Amarillo, TX, visited in the Marge Zink, Stacy and Mike Griffith home over the weekend.

Family and friends gathered for a memorial service held Sept. 22, at the Rockville United Methodist Church for Georgia Siegismund Williams from El Dorado Springs. Mrs. Williams was an older sister of Andrew and Arron Siegismund. Family enjoyed lunch served by church ladies afterwards.

Marge Zink, Beverly Pelkey, Dixie Peterson, Sheri Suster and Julia Snethen enjoyed Bunco at the Lowry City Library Branch of the St Clair County Library Tuesday, Sept. 19. Everyone is invited, we have lots of fun. Plan to join us Oct. 17 at 2 p.m.

Tom and Beverly have been busy preparing for winter, Tom mowing grass and cutting wood. The humming birds have all left.

Julia and John Snethen attended the Clinton Chapter #73 meeting on Monday evening in Clinton. Saturday Julia had a birthday party for her son, Ron Thompson, among the guests were James Archie of Fort Scott, KS, and Ron’s sister Georgetta Branstetter, Barbie Winder and daughter, Bray, and Fred Stockstill of Stockton.

Week of Sept. 25 – Sunday Speaker at the Rockville United Methodist Church was by Rosen Kelpel and wife from Ukraine, we enjoyed a carry-in dinner at noon.

Mt. Zion Bible study was held in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home Tuesday at 7 p.m. with 10 in attendance.

Mark your calendar for the Rockville United Methodist Church Quilt Show Oct. 21, at the church from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Enter your quilts for show Thursday, Oct 12, from 1-5 p.m. or Oct 19, from 1-3 p.m. at the church fellowship hall, $2 entry fee. The quilt show will have demonstration, bed turning, food country store a fun day and visit friends.

We wish Julia Ann Bock a speedy recovery from her recent fall.

Howard and Dixie Peterson joined Stacy and Mike Griffith for supper one evening. Dixie got a good report from the doctor but needs more tests.

Gregg Pelkey visited in the Pelkey home Saturday; other visitors have been Karen and James Rosbrugh.

The wood fairy has been helping Tom Pelkey’s wood pile grow.

We enjoyed the Apple Festival Saturday in Appleton City, there were lots of booths, food and fun things but what caught my eye was when I was a kid my mother pushed me in a baby buggy. I pushed my kids in a stroller but compared to what I saw there Saturday all sizes, shapes, big wheels, three wheels, room for two babies, don’t think any two were alike; I guess that is progress.

Over at the Robin Siegismund farm, the new chickens are growing fast, getting tail feathers ready for winter. Can you believe it is October already?

John and Julia Snethen made a trip to Springfield on Monday. On Friday evening they went to Clinton to help prep for the spaghetti dinner with all eating out at Golden Corral before returning home then was out again Saturday morning to help Clinton Chapter #73 serve their spaghetti dinner before returning home. On Sunday, John and Julia had their neighbors, the Jones, over for supper.

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