By Julia Snethen & Marge Zink
After a bountiful carry-in breakfast was enjoyed and a short business meeting Sunday morning worship service at the Rockville United Methodist Church was conducted by Pastor Linda Wansing entitled “Looks like Jesus is in the community” taken from Acts 2:42-47. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. and Bible Study Tuesday morning 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion area has appreciated the much-needed rain of the past week, the trees are prettier than we expected considering the dry weather.
Remember to vote Nov. 8 after setting your clocks back on Saturday midnight Nov. 6.
Judy Piepmeier kept her doctor’s appointment the past week, she assumes she fine hasn’t heard the results of the test.
Wanda Rector has been home this past week. I’m sure she is planning a trip, she did make to quilting and exercise so keeping in shape for her next trip.
Dixie Peterson still doing good at the Truman Lake Manor doing her therapy.
Tri-County Quilt Club will meet Nov. 7 for lunch at 12:30 p.m. at Margie Siegismund’s home, meeting at 1:30. Call Marge at 660-598-4240 for more information.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Belle has been enjoying the cooler weather, taking lots of naps, preparing for when it snows so she can make snow angles. Taking naps and dreaming keeps her cool on hot days. Mabel and Robin enjoyed the little people visiting last week.
John and Julia Snethen had a quite week with Julia keeping her hair appointment on Friday in Osceola, and John running his bus route Friday; they went to the Landmark restaurant for lunch on Friday.
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