By Marge Zink and Julia Sneathen

The morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church by Pastor Larry Sorrells was titled “Spreading the Grace, Peace and Truth. We invite you to join us for Easter Sunrise Service on April 4, at 7 a.m. then join us for breakfast at Rockville United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall.

Mt. Zion area had a few more days of sunshine this past week. The water has receded some of the back roads are open.

Wishing Floranee French a speedy recovery. She spent a few days in the hospital, even if she didn’t need to.

Dixie Peterson is still doing therapy at Truman Lake Manor. Howard and Dixie will celebrate their 60th Wedding Anniversary on March 31.

The blooming trees and flowers are really pretty. Several have mowed their yards already. The trees have a few leaves hard to believe Spring is here, hopefully, to stay for a while.

Rockville Hand Quilters had a wonderful day, that is all-day quilting Thursday. We got a lot of quilting done, and enjoyed our visitors and a  bountiful lunch at noon and a coffee break later.

Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Robin is trying to teach Belle she means what she says. Belle was watching sparrows in the chicken house when Robin told her to come. Belle said She was” busy.” Belle spent the night with the chickens and was happy to see Robin the next morning. Belle thought it will be a while before I do not do that again, but those sparrows fascinate me.

Wanda Rector stayed home as long as she could. She went to Arkansas to visit her granddaughter with her daughter. They enjoyed sightseeing, shopping and eating out. Debbie Rector had been a recent visitor; Wanda enjoyed help with the puzzle.

Tom Pelkey is thinking about trying again to get the lawnmower out,  maybe after Easter. Can’t have too much wood cut. Beverly is busy working on a quilt, she doesn’t stop until she is finished, More ladies need to be like that.

John and Julia Snethen had a more normal week, Julia kept her hair appointment and picked up a quilt at the quilters.

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