by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen

Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church were conducted by the Wednesday night youth group. Jason Wareham gave the message entitled “What does it mean to follow Jesus.” The youth group did a great job.

Mt. Zion Home Bible study held in the Tom and Beverly Pelkey home each Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. was cancelled due to the weather.

Sunday morning it was great to wake up to seeing the sunshine after the past week of rain although we did need the rain to make the wheat field look green.

Sorry to learn of the passing of Dan Oberly; he was a long time resident of the area.

The Mt. Zion Club was cancelled due to weather again for the month of February; we will meet March 21 afternoon meeting at Marge Zink.

Sunday, March the 11, the time will change.

Tom and Beverly have been busy keeping the fires going and taking care of the pets, too wet for Tom to work out side.

Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm Robin and Belle were delighted to fine; Ruby the orphan calf they raised, had baby Rex. Time has a way of passing quickly. Belle’s manners seem to be better at least until she gets spring fever.

Marge Zink wants to thank everyone who help make her birthday great, the cards, the party, presents, flowers and phone calls etc.; think she will have several more.

Howard Peterson took Dixie and Marge to Bunco at the Lowry City Branch of the St Clair County Library Tuesday. The weather kept several regulars at home. We need more players so plan to join us at 1 p.m. the third Tuesday of the month. Call Marge for more information at 660-598-4240.

Julia Snethen spent the week with her son at the hospital where Ron was a patient. He got out Saturday but has to see a lung specialist in Bolivar before returning to work. John Snethen went to Sedalia Wednesday for an OATS meeting then had to cancel his trip on Thursday due to the weather.