by Marge Zink and Julia Snethen
No morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church Sunday due to weather church was canceled.
Mt. Zion Home Bible study was held in the home of Tom and Beverly Pelkey each Tuesday at 7 p.m. to study the Bible had 10 in attendance.
Sure was great to see the sun shining Sunday morning even if the temperature was Zero, looks a lot like Christmas. There are Christmas elf’s in our neighborhood that keep leaving fire wood at Tom Pelkey’s wood pile, and Rudolph keeping watch on the Jayson Davis mailbox. Down by Deer Run the trees are decorated real pretty; some of us have lights waiting to celebrate Jesus’ birth.
Thursday Rockville Hand Quilters were happily surprise when Marsha Cover brought pear honey for everyone, Thanks come again.
Our sympathy to the family of Laura Grey.
Please keep the Debbie Sheldon family in your prayers, she will be greatly missed.
Mary Parker from Ozark spent Thursday night with her cousin. Marge Zink was on her way to Lincoln, NE; she recently celebrated her 83rd birthday. Hope I’m that spry in the next 10 years.
Julia and John Snethen attended the Hood family Christmas in Clinton on Sunday, those attending were Janet and John Young; Lexie, Jane Sanders, David and Rebecca Albin, Becca Albin and son, Joe Albin, Bryon Albin, Tina Routh and Ashley and Ron Thompson, some couldn’t make it due to weather.
We would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
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