By Julia Snethen and Marge Zink
Morning message at the Rockville United Methodist Church was by Page Marten. You are always welcome to join us for worship each Sunday at 9 a.m. and Tuesday Bible study 9 a.m.
The Mt. Zion area needs rain; did have a five-minute shower Saturday morning. The rain lily flowers bloomed, meaning rain just not how much. The corn is tasseling, wheat has been harvested, soybeans planted and hay being baled.
Sympathy and prayers to the Travis Schiereck family, funeral services were Friday and the Dean Hawkins family whose service was Saturday.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm Belle has figured out life is different for all people and dogs. Take for instance Mark’s dog, Matt, I think that his name, was missing for several hours. His family was worrying about him when he returned home after a few hours. He was welcomed, petted and gave treats. If Belle had done that, which did once, Robin gave me a lecture in her teacher voice and time out for a few days. Robin is crocheting little quilts and Mabel is enjoying the little people grow.
The Tri-County Quilt Club enjoyed a field trip to the Rusty Duck Restaurant Wednesday. The Club will meet July 10 for regular meeting UFO party planned.
Mt. Zion Club met in the Marge Zink home June 21; 10 ladies enjoyed lunch meeting and fellowship. Next meeting July 19.
Wanda Rector has been home this past week waiting for cooler weather and keeping busy quilting and yard work.
Judy and Terry Piepmier are doing good, Judy is doing good after her surgery.
Brenda Peterson and Stacy Griffith attended the wedding of Casey Teel in Springfield on Saturday.
John and Julia Snethen had a busy week with John running his bus route and Julia is trying to rest up from her trip but doesn’t bounce back as she did when she was younger. She did keep appointments Friday in Osceola.
Enjoy the fourth of July, this year is going fast.
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