by Julia Snethen & Marge Zink
Sunday morning worship service at the Rockville United Methodist Church was conducted by Pastor Linda Wansing entitled “Are you commissioned?” taken Mathew 28:16-20. You are always welcome to join us for worship Sunday at 9 a.m. and Bible study Tuesday morning 9 a.m.
Mt. Zion area was thankful for 1⁄2 inch of rain. Did green up the grass, didn’t stop the harvest; still lot of soybeans to be harvested. The trees have more color than last week. If you haven’t dug up your root crops, maybe you should check for “critters” in some gardens.
Ladine Parks is still a patient at Elliott Memorial Hospital in Appleton City.
Wanda Rector was happy to see Debbie and great-grandson come to spend tine helping to get ready for winter. They enjoyed a deck picnic, hotdog and S’mores. Debbie did replace the hall light bulb.
Dixie Peterson is still busy doing therapy at the Truman Lake Manor.
Wish Judy Pierna speedy recovery from her fall.
Rockville Hand Quilters finished another beautiful the past week.
Judy Piepmier celebrated her birthday and feeling really good, so her granddaughter took her out for breakfast. A neighbor brought her dinner and Terry took her out for supper; enjoying cards and calls and looking forward to her next one with her usual smile.
Over at the Robin Siegismund Farm, Robin is not happy with her chickens, they are not laying very well. Belle and Specks know when Robin is not happy, they better be good. So they are trying not to ask for more treats and come when they are called. But Petey just rides around on the truck. Mabel is happy all the apples are worked up, probably be picking up pecans next. Robin is crocheting a rag rug.
John Snethen spent a quite week with his bus route and Julia kept her appointments and ran errands for John. They did have a surprise, someone put a dead snake in their mailbox on top of their mail, and was very lucky John checked the mail instead of Julia because it would have put her in the hospital.
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