by Cassie Downs,

Christian Blogger

I hope you are doing well and are full of joy this Christmas season. I pray that today’s devo is just what you need to be encouraged and filled with anticipation for our coming King Jesus.

Today I spent much of my day Christmas shopping. And I love it! There is something life-giving about gifting. It brings me such joy and anticipation of what’s coming on Christmas morning. Or in my case, early December.

Several years ago, my husband and I accidentally started a new tradition in our family. That particular Christmas we weren’t getting to spend with my niece, so we did our Christmas early and invited her over to celebrate with us. And so in early December we gathered around the tree, told the kids about the greatest gift ever, shared gifts and laughs, and that day began a now tradition.

So, today I shop, knowing our Christmas celebration is only a few weeks away. We never plan for it, we just let it happen. The kids get antsy and beg to do Christmas until I cave and dad to follow. Sometimes it’s a weeknight, sometimes a weekend. We never know when, we just know it will.

As I sit here typing to you, I’m giddy. I’m full of excitement about what’s coming in the Christmas season. The lights, the food, the anticipation of gifts and gathering. The sweet spirit of kindness and giving that fills the air. The moments that remind us of God’s gift to us—a gift greater than any other.

I wonder if this is how Mary and Joseph felt? Giddy. Full of joy and excitement about what was coming. If they were bursting at the seems to tell everyone. Did Mary glow unlike any other pregnant woman? Did Joseph gallop through his work days? Even traveling so far back to Bethlehem, I wonder if they were too excited to be exhausted?

The world waited a long time for their Messiah. And now we wait once more. Are you waiting for the second return of Christ, like you do for Christmas? Are you full of hope and anticipation for what’s coming?

There are things in our life we wait, what seems like forever, for. Maybe you’re waiting on Mr. or Mrs. right to walk into your life. Or perhaps you’re waiting for the doctor to say cancer free. I have loved ones I’ve waited so long for to know my Jesus. But this is what I know. Because of the gift of Jesus, we have hope. We can look forward with anticipation because our hope isn’t in our circumstances or even in man. Our hope is in Jesus. We can expect goodness in our future because God is good. We can anticipate wellness and wholeness because of Jesus.

He’s some kind of gift.

I want this season to be joyful and exciting for you. Not because everything is going well this season, but because despite what may happen, you know Jesus and in Him you can have hope. Hope for now and hope for the future.

Merry Christmas, Friend.

Cassie Downs is the author of Chasing Jesus and Unrivaled, both 60-day devotionals and founder of Everyday Jesus Ministry. Connect with her online at Cassie’s books are available locally and