by Cassie Downs,
Christian Blogger

When my kids were littles, I can remember Dustin and I having to carry them on our shoulders so that they could see above the crowd. Whether a ball game, church function, concert, this has been the story for a lot of us, unless, of course, you’re seven feet tall, that the crowd has gotten in the way.
I believe this is one area that often keeps us from Jesus. The crowd. Sometimes it’s even a crowd of “church” people. Perhaps you’re one of the crowd. Or maybe you’re the one fighting the crowd to get a glimpse of Jesus. This was the story of Zacchaeus.
“He entered Jericho and was passing through. There was a man named Zacchaeus who was a chief tax collector, and he was rich. He was trying to see who Jesus was, but he was not able because of the crowd, since he was a short man. So running ahead, he climbed up a sycamore tree to see Jesus, since he was about to pass that way.”
—Luke 19:1-4 (CSB)
I believe there are three stories being told in this setting of scripture. The story of the crowd, the story of Zacchaeus, and the story of the tree. And it begs the question, who are you in this story? Let’s look closer at them before you decide.
The crowd: At this point in Jesus’ ministry, He was likely becoming more known. He was teaching and healing. As He made his way through Jericho that day, it isn’t far-fetched to assume people were lining the streets to get a glimpse of this man who just healed a blind man. Some of the crowd were probably oblivious to who Jesus was. Some were there hoping to touch him, or see something miraculous happen, others were there to mock and ridicule this “said” messiah. Whatever the reason, they were in the way of a man who desperately needed Jesus. A man named Zacchaeus, a sinner. Can you relate to the crowd? Have your actions toward others blocked or distorted their view of Jesus? Has the way you respond to lost people created a barrier between the lost and Jesus? The church isn’t meant to be a barrier, but a bridge to Jesus. Jesus has invited everyone to the table of grace and salvation. But perhaps you’ve been acting more like a bouncer at the door, deciding who is eligible to sit at the Lords table, rather than an usher searching for the best seat for the newcomer. Are you the crowd?
Build a bridge, not a barrier!
The tree: The tree was just a tree. Available to a man who needed Jesus. The tree allowed Zacchaeus to see above the crowd. The tree likely had deep roots and stretched high above the crowd. Not because it was important, but because its root system ran deep and allowed for much growth. Its deep roots and much growth were why it didn’t stand in the way of a sinner in need of saving. This is God’s heart for us, friend. That we be the tree for the lost. That we not be so puffed up and self absorbed that we keep hidden the one who is a light to the lost. But that we grow our roots deep in faith, stand tall, and stretch out our branches so that others can see Jesus for who He really is; love, joy, peace, gracious, forgiving… Be the tree!
Zacchaeus: Maybe as you’ve read this you haven’t really related to either the crowd or the tree. Perhaps your insides are screaming, “I’m Zacchaeus, a sinner, an outsider”! If this is you, I need to say this— I’m sorry. Sincerely, I am sorry if the crowd has kept you from seeing and meeting Jesus. The church should be a safe place, but not every person who sits on a pew has your best at heart. Sometimes it’s their best they are more concerned with. I’ve been the crowd. I’ve stood in the way more times than I like to admit. And I’m deeply sorry if that is your story with the church or church people. Sometimes we miss it. And sometimes we get it right. I pray you find a tree! A tree who is deeply rooted in faith who will love and encourage you to chase Jesus! To see Him for who He really is!! I am praying for you, friend!
I don’t know who you relate most with in this story, but before you decide, there is one more story to be told. The story of Jesus. If you read this devotion and gave yourself a pat on the back for being the tree, let me remind you, the tree is just a tree. Without Jesus speaking the tree into existence, it would be nothing. So before you get too puffed up thinking you got it all together, let me remind you that Jesus is what holds all things together (Colossians 1:17). It is God alone who saves and delivers (Isaiah 43:11). We are His servants. Nothing happens without His power, His grace, His mercy. We are to point others to His glory, not our own.
If you’re the crowd and feeling ashamed, look to Jesus. It’s through His power, His grace, His mercy, you can become a tree. Your story doesn’t end here. Chase Him and you will become like a tree planted by the water, bearing fruit for the lost!
“Today salvation has come to this house,” Jesus told him (Zacchaeus), “because he too is a son of Abraham. For the Son of Man has come to seek and to save the lost.” — Luke 19:9-10 (CSB)
Cassie Downs is the author of Chasing Jesus and Unrivaled, both 60-day devotionals and founder of Everyday Jesus Ministry. Connect with her online at Cassie’s books are available locally and

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