Greetings, My Fellow Missourians

In the last couple of weeks, I have received questions and comments about the recent state banning of the Tractor Hydraulic Fluid (THF) 303.  I have visited with members of the Department of Agriculture, and they have shared information with me that is reflected in their news release posted on the MO Department of Agriculture website:  “Missouri retailers of tractor hydraulic fluid (303) have been notified by the Department that these products are misbranded because they fail to meet any current tractor manufacturer’s specifications. The John Deere (JD) 303 designation is 57 years old and has been obsolete for 43 years.  In addition, there are no specifications available for 303 Tractor Hydraulic Fluids and, as such, products making only “303” claims cannot be tested to assure compliance with any known specifications. This action is being taken to protect tractor owners from equipment damage.

Over the summer, the Department sampled 14 different 303 fluids, many claiming to work in almost every tractor.  All 14 of these 303 fluids failed to meet current specifications and were found to be underperforming to the point that damage was likely to result from use.

Companies have been given the opportunity to revise their claims on the container to clearly identify the appropriate use of the product therein. The Department is working with manufacturers, distributors and retailers to ensure a low cost product with accurate labeling is available in the State of Missouri.

In the end, this action was taken to protect you and every other tractor owner in Missouri from damage to equipment. We are continuing to work with companies to revise their product claims or provide a higher quality product that meets a verifiable OEM tractor specification.

Notice to retailers with 303 products:

Please contact your oil supplier to return any mislabeled 303 products for full credit. If you experience a problem with your return, please contact Weights, Measures and Consumer Protection Division Director Ron Hayes at (573) 751-4316.”

If you have any questions or input regarding THF 303, please feel free to contact the MO Department of Agriculture at the above number or 573-751-4211.  In the meantime, if I receive any updates, I will share it in the Capitol Report.

St. Clair County assessor appointed:

I received a call from Governor Greitens’ office on Monday that George Lysinger has been appointed by the Governor as the new St. Clair County Assessor.  I congratulate George and wish him well in his appointment!  His office number is 417-646-2449.

Education roundtable:

My “Hat’s Off” to Osceola Schools Superintendent Danny DeWitt for organizing a district wide meeting of school administrators for a roundtable discussion with Senator Sandy Crawford and me.  After enjoying lunch catered by Sugarfoot BBQ, discussion ensued on many topics with the main concern related to recent actions taken by Governor Greitens to remove the current Missouri Commissioner of Education, Dr. Margie Vandeven, over a course of 10 different appointments to the State Board of Education in order to achieve enough votes for her dismissal.   Although legal, most feel this was strong-handed and certainly uncommon and a move with no mention of goals or a mission.  I asked how many of the administrators have personally contacted Governor Greitens and 5 out of 9 have made contact, but each is still waiting for reply.  Many other pertinent issues were discussed including the foundation formula, transportation funding, charter schools, school vouchers, tax credits, and open enrollment.  One complaint among the majority was the growing number of policies put into effect over the last several years that continues to add to the education workload.  I gained a great amount of knowledge and input during the roundtable and hope this becomes an annual gathering.

New Capitol office location:

During the last few weeks, House members have been given the opportunity to relocate their offices within the Capitol based on seniority.  Our District 125 office has relocated to Room 413 on the 4th floor.  It is located near the House Chamber viewing gallery and what is referred to as the “Governor’s Elevator” near the center of the building.  Everyone is always welcome to stop by the office and visit.

In case of inclement weather:

Don’t forget to utilize the MoDOT Travelers Information Map this winter.  It is a handy tool for road conditions across the state during winter weather.  The link to the map is:  The interactive map is also available to be downloaded as an app.

Some upcoming activities include:

Jan. 13 – Eagle Days at the Truman Dam Visitor Center, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.