Greetings, My Fellow Missourians

It has been an enjoyable week attending several different community functions throughout the district.  Everyone is busy celebrating the arrival of Spring with activities and fundraisers.  I attended a media event in Lowry City on Tuesday hosted by the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commission.  With the diligent work of KBRPC, the ‘Lowe’s Gives’ Foundation presented Lowry City with a grant of $47,817 to be used for the Lowry City Civic Center Improvement Project.  This grant will be a wonderful boost for needed repairs to Lowry City’s facility that is used throughout the year for many community events.  I had the pleasure of attending the Baked Potato Bar sponsored by the Friends of the St. Clair County Senior Center today.  Held at the Optimist Club building in Osceola, It was a great afternoon event full of conversation and plenty of food.

This week, March 18-24, is celebrated as National Agriculture Week in the State of Missouri.  Agriculture is the backbone of our nation and our economy, and I am honored to commend farmers, ranchers, and their families for their faithful, tireless efforts to put food on the tables of Americans.  Actually, agriculture provides most everything Americans eat, use, and wear each day.   I am proud of the important role that District 125 contributes to the agricultural industry in Missouri and the nation.

When we return to the Capitol next Monday, March 26, the budget will be our top legislative priority. The House will work to approve the appropriations bills that make up the spending plan and send them to the Senate so that both chambers are on track to complete the budget by the May 11 deadline, which is one week before session adjourns on Friday, March 18.

The legislature is expected to discuss comprehensive tax reform legislation that would cut the state’s personal and corporate income tax rates and transform Missouri’s tax system to the most competitive in the nation. The legislation would also make sizeable reforms that would generate nearly $2 billion over the next 10 years for the state road fund to repair and improve the state’s transportation infrastructure.

As everyone makes plans for Easter traditions, special church programs, family gatherings, or travel to be with loved ones; my wife, Marla, and I hope you have a blessed Easter.  It is a time of renewal and restoration, reminding us of the incredible opportunities God has bestowed upon us.