The Missouri Legislature officially wrapped up its annual veto session, which convened at noon on Wednesday. In just 10 hours, Missouri lawmakers successfully overrode 13 of the governor’s vetoes. I am pleased to report one of those was Senate Bill 844, a measure I sponsored.
During the 2016 legislative session, I carried multiple proposals to help bolster Missouri’s No. 1 industry, agriculture. Senate Bill 844 seeks to protect responsible livestock owners from civil liability if their animals escape, through no fault of their own. This measure in no way allows a livestock owner to be neglectful. The measure brings greater fairness to our law and protects responsible livestock owners. By a vote of 24-7 in the Senate and 114-40 in the House, the Legislature voted to override the governor’s veto of Senate Bill 844.
Senate Bill 591 sought to align Missouri’s standard for expert witness testimony with that of the federal model, a principle known as the Daubert Standard. The Daubert Standard helps guarantee only those individuals who are truly expert witnesses are able to provide expert testimony to judges and juries. Senate Bill 591 aimed to end the alarming number of lawsuits in this state creating a hostile legal environment for businesses and threatening their ability to succeed. This bill was vetoed by the governor; however, the legislature was unsuccessful in overriding the veto.
Also garnering enough support for a veto override was House Bill 1414, legislation protecting Missouri farmers from being targets of agroterrorism by shielding the identity of those who participate voluntary in federal programs. House Bill 1414 contains provisions allowing the release of certain information in particular cases, such as a regional disease outbreak among livestock; however, the private, personal information of these farmers (name, address, location of their farm, etc.) will not be disclosed to the public.
Finally, we overrode the governor’s veto of Senate Bill 656, a common-sense gun bill strengthening the Second Amendment right of Missourians to keep and bear arms. By implementing “constitutional carry” and “stand your ground” laws, our law-abiding citizens can more ably defend and protect themselves and their loves ones whenever necessary.
For a complete list of all veto overrides, visit the Senate website at www.senate.mo.gov.
Contact Information: State Capitol Building, Room 420. Phone: 573-751-8793.
If you have any questions or comments regarding issues in state government or within the 28th Senatorial District, please feel free to contact my office.
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