The Gottman Institute is an internationally renowned organization dedicated to healing broken relationships and equipping people with skills to build strong ones.
Drs. John and Julie Gottman have developed instructional materials based on clinical research that teaches relationship skills to couples that help build closeness and trust.
Dr. John Gottman studied the habits of married couples over many years in unprecedented detail. This revolutionary approach to researching relationships produced the materials in this program.
This workshop aids couples in deepening the foundation of friendship and guides them on the path towards a harmonious and long-lasting connection. By using insightful questionnaires and practical exercises, couples learn how to manage conflict successfully, honor each other’s dreams and create shared meaning.
Now couples in Greene County and the surrounding areas can participate in this program thanks to University of Missouri Extension in Greene County.
Renette Wardlow, the human development specialist, headquartered in Greene County, seeks to help others build healthy relationships through her job.
“I took the training and am now certified to facilitate the Gottman workshops in our communities. The teaching approach is to support and repair troubled marriages and committed relationships, and to help strengthen happy ones,” said Wardlow.
This program is a great opportunity for churches or other groups that would like to see their members create strong and healthy relationships.
Couples participating in a workshop will receive The Gottman Seven Principles Workbook, the New York Times bestselling book, The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work, written by Dr. John Gottman and Nan Silver, the CD, How to Make Relationships Work, and two decks of cards for couples to use to initiate conversation on a specific topic.
Organizations interested in offering the Gottman program to its members should contact Renette Wardlow at (417) 581-3558.
Wardlow also offers a variety of other workshops including, Building Strong Families, Tackling the Tough Skills, Parenting Education, Stay Strong, Stay Healthy and many others.
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