We were able to get two of my priority bills to the Missouri House of Representatives this week. The Missouri Senate has passed Senate Bill 736, this legislation increases the cap on MO Bucks, the state’s linked deposit program, and Senate Bill 1363, which amends sections of law pertaining to county officials. Originally passed in 2022, the bill that had these provisions was declared unconstitutional by the Missouri Supreme Court, not from the bills content but due to a technical issue regarding the state’s single-subject requirement. I will keep you updated on the legislation as session continues.

This week’s visitors to the Capitol: Senator Sandy Crawford and Mike Beisner-Auburn Pharmacy/Nevada.

Missouri Health Care Association

Administrators: Ryan Skopec- Bolivar/Parkview Health Care Facility, Roy Pace-Buffalo/Colonial Springs Healthcare Center, Vautrin Cadle-El Dorado Springs/Community Springs Healthcare Facility, Senator Sandy Crawford, Bev Derrickson-COO CMH Foundation/Bolivar, Tim Francka-CMH Administrative Director/Bolivar.

I am honored to serve as your senator in the Missouri Senate. If, at any time, you have questions, concerns or ideas regarding state government, please feel free to contact me at 573-751-8793 or Sandy.Crawford@senate.mo.gov.