Missouri Chief Justice Zel M. Fischer recognized Cedar County Judge Tom Pyle for his participation in the judicial transfer program during a ceremony held Thursday morning, Sept. 27, as part of the annual meeting of the Judicial Conference of Missouri, the organization of all state judges.

The judicial transfer program maximizes the efficient use of Missouri’s available judicial resources. “We are so pleased with how well the judicial transfer program works, thanks to the willingness of our judges to share their talents,” Fischer said. “We appreciate the service of all our qualified, capable and experienced judges who travel outside their home counties to hear cases throughout the state. This much-needed service ultimately helps ensure the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of Missouri’s courts..”

Judge Pyle is a retired USAF Reserve Lt Col, a graduate of Stockton High School, Missouri State University, University of Missouri – Columbia and holds a Masters of Law degree from the University of Denver. He was first elected as Cedar County Associate Circuit Judge in 2014 and is unopposed on the ballot in 20 18.

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