The Cedar County Ambulance Board quickly went through a full agenda Monday evening in a little over an hour with no side trips chasing rabbits or long arguments.

The five board members present didn’t necessary agree on everything at first blush, but there were no major disagreements or knock-down drag outs and everything was settled amicably.

Cedar County Sheriff James McCrary and his communications supervisor, Whitney, were present to discuss EMD training for dispatchers.

Whitney said that for the past three weeks, there have been two dispatchers on duty 24/7 as specified in the contract. She said that under the previous sheriff, jail personnel who had received cross training helped cover the dispatching duties. She said, “We didn’t like it, but that’s what we had to do.”

The sheriff reported that four full time dispatchers have received EMD training. There are eight full and part time dispatchers who need training. Three can be trained in the next available training.

The board, after quite a bit of discussion, voted to pay the cost for EMD training. The alternate  plan was to have those being trained pay the $365 each at a little bit per paycheck and then get reimbursed after they had worked a year or 18 months. Whitney said that some of the current dispatchers said they would not sign such a contract. Board Member Hamilton was opposed to taking the money away from employees making $8 or $9 an hour, even temporarily.

CPA Kalena Kenney Bruce provided the financial report. The total cash and cash equivalents in the bank for the district as of Dec. 31, 2016, were $748,937.57, which is up from a year earlier by $200,811.19.

Accounts receivable on Dec. 31 was $8,213. Down from $13,947 a year earlier.

Fixed assets as of Dec. 31, were $1,934,639 up $264,643 from a year earlier.

Ms. Bruce reported that income for December was $119,883.29.

She said that the FRA fund total for 2016 is not yet available.

In his manager’s report, District Manager Tom Ryan reported that the new ambulance should arrive about May.

He told the board that the crew needs to replace the portable radios that are five years old.

After considerable discussion, the board voted to take bids on 17 new portable radios. They will advertise for bids two weeks on local papers with bids due Feb. 17 to be opened at the Feb. 20 CCAD meeting.

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