Meeting called to order at 6:40 p.m. Tuesday, Dec. 27.

Roll call

Present – John Wilson chairman

Kenny Turner vice chairman

Byron Hamilton (By phone due to illness)

Keith Kasco

Agenda Approval:

A motion was made by Turner to approve the agenda as presented, seconded by Kasco, four ayes, no nays, motion carried.

Acceptance of Resignation:

Due to personal and professional conflicts, Katie White, District 3 director, has resigned. Motion was made to accept resignation by Kasco, seconded by Turner, four ayes, no nays, motion carried. At this time a new board member, Charlotte Haden, was appointed and sworn in. Byron Hamilton hung up at this time

Previous Minutes:

Motion was made by Turner, seconded by Kasco to approve minutes of the 10-17-16 meeting as presented,  four ayes, no nays, motion carried.

Motion was made by Kasco, seconded by Turner to approve minutes of the 11-21-16 meeting as presented,  four ayes, no nays, motion carried.

Motion was made by Kasco, seconded by Turner to approve minutes of the 12-19-16 meeting as presented,  four ayes, no nays, motion carried.

Public Forum:

No one came forward.

Financial Reports:

Kalena presented the financial report, along with the suggestion that we consider moving some money into a CD or some other interest bearing entity. A motion was made by Kasco to approve the Financial Report for November, seconded by Turner, four ayes, no nays.

She then presented 2017 budget for review. There was a bit of discussion, some additions, etc. The board members will continue to review it and be ready to accept or decline at the January meeting.

Discussion was opened at this time concerning monthly payment for board members. We have been having a problem obtaining and retaining board members and thought this might help. Our officers, especially the chairman, have many extra duties as well. Wilson suggested a sum of fifty ($50) dollars for directors, with an extra fifty ($50) dollar stipend for officers, payable only if they attend the meeting, or if they attend and there is no quorum. The officers have every right to decline payment if they so choose. A motion to accept this was made by Wilson, seconded by Turner, three ayes, one nay (Haden), motion carried.

Payment is to be made the first Friday following the meeting. It will be direct deposited. The additional cost to the accounting firm to take care of this will be $45 per month. A new letter will be presented at the January meeting.

Manager’s Report:

All the ambulances are running well and fully operational.

The radio system is up, running and is so good the Sheriff’s dept. is looking into going digital. According to Tom, an EMT actually spoke with an ER doctor about a patient condition all the way up to getting him face to face with the doctor.

There was some discussion at this time about the need for a new building. We had some water damage that was not covered in our insurance because the roof was messed up to start with and allowed the water damage. An estimate was presented for over $4000 to replace all the nails in the roof with screws and washers. Since they are already looking to replace the ambulance barn with either a new building or by buying a pre-existing one, the board decided unanimously to reject the bid, and just start trying to move toward replacement.


None at this time

Unfinished Business:

Tower Updates:

Up and operational


Nearly finished. Ambulances at El Dorado barn are the only thing left to inventory

New Business:

Insurance for repairs on Stockton barn:

Claim was denied due to pre-existing roof damage

New Truck

After some discussion a motion was made by Haden to move forward with ordering a new ambulance to come out of the 2017 budget. Motion was seconded by Turner, four ayes, no nays, motion carried.


Motion was made by Turner to adjourn, seconded by Kasco, four ayes, no nays, motion carried,

Meeting adjourned at 8 p.m.

New ambulance board member 2 cc

CCAD FILLS VACANCY – At its Tuesday, Dec. 27, meeting, the Cedar County Ambulance District Board appointed Charlotte Hayden to fill the District 3 seat left vacant by the resignation of Katy White. The District 1 seat Sue Rice vacated is still open.

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