Cedar County Memorial Hospital will host a “Luau on the Lawn” from 5 – 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 27, on the west lawn of the hospital at 1401 S. Park Street in El Dorado Springs. It’s the hospital’s 10th Annual Fundraiser and everyone is invited to attend to enjoy food and music with friends, along with a silent auction and 50/50 drawing. REKOIL will join us to provide the musical entertainment. Be sure to bring your lawn chairs please. Our Occupational Therapy Department employees will be on hand with some games for the children and adults who would like to participate.
Sponsorship forms have been mailed to area businesses and anyone who would like to donate an item for the silent auction may do so by calling the Administrative office at (417) 876-3059 or by dropping the items off at the hospital. Tickets for the meal are also available by calling or stopping by the hospital Administrative office. The menu includes a pulled pork sandwich, chips, homemade baked beans, homemade potato salad, gourmet cupcake and tea or lemonade. Tickets are $12 for adults; $6 for children 4-10; and three and under are free. They will be available for purchase through Sept. 24. To-go orders are welcome.
“The proceeds from this year’s fundraiser will be put towards the purchase of a new hematology analyzer for our hospital Laboratory,” said Jana Witt, C.E.O. “Hematology analyzers are used in healthcare settings to count and characterize blood cells for disease detection and monitoring. The estimated cost of a hematology analyzer is upwards of $60,000, so we are very hopeful for a great turn-out for this year’s fundraising event!”
Cedar County Memorial Hospital is the only hospital in Cedar County and is a 25-bed, not-for-profit, Critical Access Hospital that first opened its doors in 1960. We also provide medical and wellness services through a rural health clinic, an in-home services agency, an exercise center, a satellite rehabilitation clinic and manage the county’s public health department.
The hospital’s Marketing Coordinator, Jeanne Hoagland, commented, “We have restructured the Fundraiser this year to offer more options for our sponsors, donors, and attendees. We have made it a bit more casual this year to make it more convenient for the community and our employees as well. It’s a come a go event this year if you choose, but we would love to have everyone join us for the evening to enjoy the events, eats, and music.” “The food is going to be great — I’m making my “Famous Lemonade” and I promise, no one should miss that” she said. Also, be sure to check our partial list of Silent Auction items.
The Board of Directors, Administration, and employees of Cedar County Memorial Hospital say “Thank You” in advance for your support.
Fundraiser donation list
Kicker Country Stampede, Manhattan, KS – two single day admission tickets for the 2019 show; Springfield Cardinals – two vouchers redeemable for two field box or general admission 2019 regular home game tickets; AMC Theatres, Ward Pkwy in Kansas City, – Certificate for two community passes; KC Royals – four View Reserved tickets for any Monday – Thursday 2019 regular season game (exclusions apply); Coco Key Water Resort, Kansas City – four water park admission tickets; Kansas City Zoo – four admission tickets; Discovery Center – Springfield – four admission tickets; The Great Passion Play – Eureka Springs, AR – two reserved tickets; Adam Puchta Winery – Hermann – four wine tasting tickets; Showboat Branson Belle – two tickets; Snow Creek – Weston – two lift tickets for skiing or snowboarding; Silver Dollar City – two one-day admission tickets for the 2019 season; “The Hughes Music Show” – two adult tickets; “The Hughes Brothers Christmas Show” – two adult tickets; “Oh Happy Day!” Hughes Brothers Theatre – two adult tickets; The Duttons – two adult tickets; Grand Country Music Hall – two tickets; Missouri Botanical Garden – St. Louis – four tickets to one of their three sites; Cooper’s Hawk Winery & Restaurants – Kansas City – four wine tasting tickets; Casey’s General Stores – $50 gift certificate; El Dorado Cycle & Outdoor Equipment – Gift Certificate for one oil change for most motorcycles; KC Chiefs – Autographed photo of the 2017 Hall of Famer, Carlos Carson; Swan Creek Candle – Donated by Jeanne Hoagland; Light up pumpkin – Donated by Jana Witt; four dozen peanut clusters – Donated by Jana Witt; three loaves of homemade bread – Donated by Jana Witt; Hand Painted Beach Scene Wine Bottle – Donated by Robin Miller; Hand Painted Pumpkin Picture – Donated by Robin Miller; Hand Painted “Amazing Grace” Sign – Donated by Diana Pyle; Fresh Handmade Christmas Wreath – Donated by Czecherboard Woods (Jennifer and Marc Koca); two $50 Firework Gift Certificates – Donated by Fletcher Fireworks (Tracy Fletcher); Handmade Peacock Feather Wreath – Donated by Sherri Page; Handmade Wreath – Donated by Terri Heitz; Tote Bag – Donated by Julia Phillips; Baked Goods – Donated by Judy Renn; Baked Goods – Donated by Denise Johnson; Baked Goods – Donated by Lisa Burkdoll; Crafts – Donated by Vicky Bradley.
Ya’ll come

PARTY GIRLS – Cedar County Memorial Hospital CEO Jana Witt (left) and Jeanne Hoagland, Marketing Coordinator, are hard a work planning a party for you, a Hawaiian party, Luau on the Lawn, minus the volcano, you from 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Sept. 27. Come and stay or come and go but do a little shopping while you are here. It’s the 10th annual fundraiser.
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