After months of deliberation, the El Dorado Springs Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors voted to have the annual Christmas Parade on Saturday, Nov. 18. Chamber Executive Director Jackson Tough said the decision to move the date from the first Saturday in December to the third Saturday in November was designed to make it a larger event. “We are anticipating more area bands might join us. In recent years the state band competition coincided with the parade date which means area bands couldn’t participate,” Tough said.
Dr. Neil Linsenmayer, Chamber of Commerce Christmas Events Committee Chairman, said, “We looked at several other dates in including the fourth Saturday in November, but we didn’t want to compete with the biggest shopping weekend of the year. There are a few details we still need to work out but it’s coming together. The theme of this year’s parade is ‘Thankful for the Holidays!’ We truly hope the community will appreciate the new format and that it will add to everyone’ enjoyment of the entire holiday season.”

Tough said that the Lighting Ceremony festivities will start in the Park at the conclusion of the parade. Parade award winners will be announced and there will be food and fun for all. And, of course, Santa Claus will make the trip to El Dorado Springs that day, too.
The 4th annual Home-Based/Small Business Holiday Expo will be once again in the Park Community Building. Attendees will have the opportunity to see local home-based business wares before and after the parade.
Chamber President Toshua McCormick commented, “These events bring visitors to El Dorado Springs, gather the community and showcase local merchants. We are proud to organize community’s holiday events and strive to better them each year.”
More information is coming the next few weeks.
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