At the Monday, March 20, meeting of the El Dorado Springs City Council, the council passed a resolution approving the hiring of Blend to perform on Friday, July 21, at the annual Picnic. The a cappella group will perform for 90 minutes from 8 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. for $2,000. They also approved the hiring of the Darrin Morris Band to perform for 90 minutes from 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Friday for $1,500.
All council members were present: Mayor Brad True, Jim Luster, Nick Bland, Randy Bland and Jerry Baldwin along with City Manager Bruce Rogers and City Clerk Lisa Allison.
During the City Manager’s report, Rogers said that the insurance check for $1,092,705 was received for the loss of the electric substation and now salvage and disposal is ready to begin. The engineer has begun the design and Rogers estimates that they will be ready to meet in a month to a month and a half and go out for bids.
Rogers said that the design phase of the sidewalk on Park and initial survey work has begun and the construction should begin in the summer of 2018.
He said the Optimist Club will build covered dug outs for the city t-ball fields. Rogers thanked the club and said the city appreciates the projects they do.
Rogers said the city would paint the pool and the fish pond this year.
The council approved a resolution between the city and Mid
Continent Equity Holdings changing the legal description of the land where Mid Continent will build apartments. Rogers explained that after the initial option was approved by the city, the city was approached by a company regarding a possible solar grid. The location for the potential apartment complex would be better suited for the solar panels and the new location, right off of Airport Road, is better for the apartment complex.
The council approved on the first and second reading an ordinance regarding member cities of the Missouri Public Utility Alliance to be represented by the Missouri Joint Municipal Electric Utility Commission (MJMEUC) should someone other than MJMEUC want to sell any of the cities’ power.
During the Mayor/Council report R. Bland asked if the blue house at the corner of Main and McCrary is a business as there are a lot of lawn mowers there and the truck there has signage on the side. Rogers stated he was not aware of a business there, but would check into it stating it could be something permitted as a home occupation. Baldwin asked if the city is still working on getting houses torn down and Rogers commented that the current list is finished and a new list will be started.
The council went into executive session to discuss real estate matters. There was no report from that session.
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