Report a Pothole by Phone, Online or Your Smart Phone/Tablet.
The Missouri Department of Transportation is kicking off an enhanced pothole repair initiative. Through the rest of March, maintenance crews throughout Missouri are committed to repairing potholes with asphalt as quickly as possible after it’s reported. MoDOT will aggressively respond and patch potholes to keep state highways smooth and safe for Missouri motorists.
“We want to get asphalt in the hole as quickly as possible. If you report it in the morning, our goal is to repair it before you drive the same road the next business day,” said MoDOT State Maintenance Engineer Becky Allmeroth. “We know our aging infrastructure is prone to potholes this time of year, and we are making efforts to keep our roads as safe and smooth as possible.”
Motorists can report the location of potholes on state maintained roads using the following tools:
· Call our 24/7 Customer Service Center at 1-888-ASK-MODOT (888-275-6636)
· Use our Report a Road Concern form on the web at
· Use your smart phone/tablet with a mobile friendly form at
·By email to
MoDOT spends approximately $15 million a year on pothole patching with the majority of that during the month of March. “On any given day in March, it would not be unusual to have 300 pothole patching crews working on our state roadways,” said Allmeroth. “Please watch out for them and move over a lane to give them room to work.”
Potholes form when temperatures warm up during the day, but continue to be cold at night. This is the main cause of potholes in highways and why they are prevalent during spring. The rain and snow from winter leave moisture that seeps into cracks and joints in the pavement. When temperatures drop, the water freezes and expands the pavement. This expansion causes the pavement to bulge and crack. When cars drive over the bulging pavement, it eventually causes chunks of pavement to pop out.
The state of Missouri maintains 34,000 miles of road including interstates, U.S. and MO routes and lettered routes. Potholes in city streets or subdivisions should be directed to your local city or county.
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