While the Monday, Feb. 20, CCAD meeting was proceeding smoothly, most people in the room were not aware that Drew Alexander, Directr of Nursing for Cedar County Memorial Hospital, had give the board a letter that night offering space for an ambulance barn in the hospital’s Stockton facility.
Jan. 16, 2017
Cedar County Amulance District Board
P.O. Box 374
Stockton, MO 65785
Dear Cedar County Ambulance District Board:
In reviewing the newspaper article summarizing the business of your Dec. 27, 2016, Board meeting, it is my understanding there are concerns with the condition of the existing ambulance barn/station in Stockton and that another building is being sought.
As you know, Cedar County Memorial hospital (CCMH) operates the Cedar County Health Complex located at 807 Owen Mill Rd. in Stockton. At this time, that facility houses the Stockton location of the Cedar County Health Department, the CCMH Exercise Center and a CCMH satellite Rehabilitation Services Clinic. Even with these services, we believe a reconfiguration of the building would provide the necessary spaced to house the Stockton ambulance barn/station.
We would be glad to discuss possible options with you. Please feel free to contact me at 417/876-2511.
Best Regards,
Jana Witt, CEO
Chairman Wilson made no mention of the letter in the correspondence portion of the meeting. Tuesday evening, he told Kimball Long, Sun newspaper, that when he passed the letter to his left, it went on to Clerk Tami Ringler, and he forgot to bring it up in correspondence. He said he will bring it up at the special meeting March 2.
The possible legal issue is that the letter should have been brought up before the board.
The other possible issue is that CCMH CEO Jana Witt told Kimball the letter was approved in the executive session of the board’s Jan. 16. meeting. Attorney Jean Maneke, legal counsel for Missouri Press, said that in her opinion the letter should have been discussed in open session, not closed session.
Note the address on the letter. CCAD never received the letter because its address is P.O. Box 669, Stockton.
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