Well we have another Harris supporting the chicken farmers and are very much opposed to the CAFO rules by telling us that the big corporate people will come in anyway and knock out the family farmers. The different thing Ms. Harris is the big ones will have to go by the same rules and on top of that they will bring in jobs because they won’t be a one man operation.
I guess you think it is silly to have rules to keep the water, soil and air clean but I think it is a necessary part of looking to the future of our state. Look on any of these chicken barns and you will see several of those large fans to remove the noxious odors and fumes from the inside of the barn and put it into the air for their neighbors to breath.
Now evidently Ms. Harris, you have lived in California for you mention the silly type of regulations rules laws and ordinances they have in the state but I have lived there also and was in business many years and I abided by their laws and lived within their rules and they did not impact my business to any great degree. Now with the great influx of illegal persons draining the state of revenue and resources a large number of people have found it necessary to retire out of California and a great number have moved to Nevada as well as other states.
My wife has family here in Cedar County and we had bought property here so we decided to build our home here and have been here since 1998. We enjoy the peace and quiet of the country side and for the most part we are very content here and hope you are also.
Bud Olinger
El Dorado Springs
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