
April 2, 2019, is an opportunity for you to make your future and all our neighbors richer and more secure.

Cedar County Memorial Hospital has asked for our help. They have requested no adjustment since 1961 in our tax levy. No adjustment for 58 years. That bears repeating, NO Levy Increase for 58 YEARS. The Hospital management has done an exemplary job of managing our tax dollars for 58 years.

Unfortunately, due to requirements of state and federal agencies on all hospital and decreased compensation form other government programs our hospital has used most of its reserve funds.

This is typical of government to make requirements and then provide no funding to assist with the new requirements. I’m not going to bore you with all the statistics. I consider the need justified and necessary.

Our hospital has done everything they could to avoid this necessity of raising the levy. Please help yourself and all our families by supporting the Tax Levy Proposal.

Your Neighbor,

John C. Detwiler

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