Participants in the annual El Dorado Springs Community Christmas Basket project are reminded that the deadline for submitting your completed application to Family Services in Stockton or Cedar County Health Dept. in El Dorado Springs is by noon Monday, Nov. 21. Applications may be returned to the Youth Center on N. Main Street (old Liston School) on Nov. 21 only, from 3 to 5 p.m.
To be eligible to receive a food basket and gifts for children age 16 and under, you must live in the El Dorado Springs school district and be able to verify that you are low income. Applications are currently available at the Health Dept in the South side Medical Mall and at DSS in Stockton as well as school counselors and ministers. Families which meet the guidelines will receive a letter of confirmation that you must bring with you on Saturday, Dec. 17, to the north door of the First Baptist Church on Main Street between the hours of 9 and 11:30 a.m. to pick up your food basket. Confirmation letters will not be mailed before Nov. 23. If you have not received your confirmation letter by Nov. 30, please call 296-4216.
Donations of non-perishable food and children’s gifts should be brought to the Youth Center on north Main Street on Nov. 21 to 23 and again on Nov. 28 to 30 between the hours of noon and 6 p.m. The committee will not put out donation barrels this year so all churches, individuals and civic groups are encouraged to take advantage of these hours. Having the donations early will really help the committee plan for the needs of families. Non perishable food items might include: cereal, fruit juice, vegetable juice, pancake mix, spaghetti sauce and pasta, dry beans, canned light fruit, canned vegetables, canned tuna, canned soups, crackers, rice, cake mixes, cranberries, stuffing mix, canned pumpkin, evaporated milk and oatmeal. Cash donations are used to purchase perishable items like ham, potatoes, eggs, cheese, milk, fresh fruit to supplement food and gift items not provided. Cash donations may be sent to the committee treasurer, Steve Wiseman, at 884 S. 275 Rd., El Dorado Springs, 64744.
Toys that do not require a battery are best. (Please include the battery, if needed, by taping it to the toy if possible. Thanks). We currently have a large number of stuffed animals. Boys and girls age new-born to 16 are included on the Christmas Basket “list”. Gifts for children ages 11 – 14 are the greatest need this year.
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