Care Connection for Aging Services will have a volunteer available to help seniors to apply for the Missouri Property Tax Credit at its Korth Center in Stockton.

People 60 and older are eligible for the free assistance with their “Circuit Breaker” Missouri Property Tax Credit applications.

The Korth Center at 309 W. Englewood will offer the service from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesdays. For an appointment, call 417-276-5306.

People who are applying for credits are asked to provide a receipt for paid property taxes or a receipt for total rent paid. The property tax rebate may be applied retroactively for three years.

The  Korth Center is one of 23 locations operated by Care Connection for Aging Services, an area agency on aging. The agency provides resources and services that empower people to create healthy aging experiences in 13 West Central Missouri counties, including Bates, Benton, Carroll, Cedar, Chariton, Henry, Hickory, Johnson, Lafayette, Pettis, Saline, St. Clair and Vernon.